Finalist of the Broomhill Sculpture Prize

Claudia Borgna

Sunday 7 August 2011


 So by 8000 bags and still going, I decided to have a little break in between. Inspired by the Welsh landscape and playing with biblical references I set off with my little herd of plastic sheep to Clarech. During my explorations I thought I had found the perfect spot to set them in, so that I could blend them into the summer grazing together with all the local sheep. I have kept an eye on that spot for a while now but when got there yesterday, of course there were no bloody sheep anymore! All gone! Not one even one sheep left for the sake of art! No sheep around that I could see. I was really bummed. I lost my mojo and considered leaving and go to the pub instead, but it had been such an effort to just get there and carry the plastic beasts over the hills that I had to stick around for a bit longer and try to make something out of it even without any are some pics

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